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Draft PrepSOM-13th AHMM Provisional Agenda

(as of 1 September 2017)



Agenda Item 1: Opening [Host Country]


  • The Opening session is organized at the discretion of the host country. It will consist of opening remarks by Brunei Darussalam as the host.


Agenda Item 2: Election of Chair and Vice Chair


  • Brunei Darussalam will assume the chairmanship of PrepSOM-13th AHMM.  They will request Cambodia, the next host of ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting, to be the vice chair of PrepSOM.  Prior to the start of the Meeting, the Chair may call for a round of self-introduction of all delegates. The Chair will then present the objectives and expected outputs of the PrepSOM-13th AHMM.


Agenda Item 3: Adoption of Agenda [Chair]


  • The Meeting will consider the provisional agenda and may propose amendments for inclusions under the relevant agenda items. The revised agenda will then be adopted by the Meeting.


Agenda Item 4: Business Arrangements [Host Country]


  • The Meeting will be held in Plenary. Brunei Darussalam as the host country may inform the Meeting of various arrangements pertaining to the programme of activities for the Meeting.


[09.30-09.45]  Coffee Break


Agenda Item 5: Follow Up on the 12th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting, 18 September 2014 [ASEAN Secretariat]


  • The ASEAN Secretariat will present status of implementation of decisions of the 12th AHMM, and the relevant Joint Statements, particularly in attaining the goals of the ASEAN Post-2015 Health Development Agenda.


Agenda Item 6: Outcomes and Recommendations of the 11th SOMHD, 9-10 August 2016 and the 12th SOMHD, 18-19 April 2017 [Brunei Darussalam]


  • Brunei Darussalam, as the current chair of SOMHD, will report summary of outcomes and recommendations of the 11th and 12th SOMHD, including the relevant updates of the ASEAN Health Cooperation. The Meeting will come up with agreed issues to be presented to the AHMM as consideration for notation, for direction-setting, and/or for endorsement.


Agenda Item 7: Discussion on the Progress and Operationalisation of health-related ASEAN Declarations for elevation to the 31st ASEAN Summit


  • Ad referendum endorsement at the level of AHMM has been requested for the three draft ASEAN Declarations, namely: ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Ending All Forms of Malnutrition; ASEAN Declaration of Commitment on Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) through One Health Approach; and ASEAN Declaration on Disaster Health Management. The Meeting will be informed about the progress of endorsement, and discuss the operationalization of these ASEAN Declarations after adoption by the 31st ASEAN Summit.


7.1 ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Ending All Forms of Malnutrition [Philippines]

  • ​Under the purview of Health Cluster 1, Philippines, as the lead country, will provide updates regarding the status of the endorsement, and inform the Meeting about their plan for the operationalisation of this declaration after adoption by the 31st ASEAN Summit.


7.2 ASEAN Declaration of Commitment on Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) through One Health Approach [Philippines]

  • ​Under the purview of Health Cluster 2, Philippines, as the lead country, will provide updates regarding the status of the endorsement, and inform the Meeting about their plan for the operationalisation of this declaration after adoption by the 31st ASEAN Summit.


7.3 ASEAN Declaration on Disaster Health Management [Thailand]

  • ​Under the purview of Health Cluster 2, Thailand, as the lead country, will provide updates regarding the status of the endorsement, and inform the Meeting about their plan for the operationalisation of this declaration after adoption by the 31st ASEAN Summit.


Agenda Item 8: Consideration of Documents for Notation or Endorsement by the AHMM [Chair]

  • The Chair will inform the Meeting that the documents for this agenda have been circulated to SOMHD focal points for review and feedback. ASEAN Secretariat will provide a short overview of the documents listed in this agenda.


  • The Meeting will have a short discussion and subsequently agree to recommend to the Ministers the endorsement or acknowledgement or notation of the pertinent documents.


8.1 Consolidated Terms of Reference of the ASEAN Health Clusters [ASEAN Secretariat]


  • The ASEAN Secretariat will inform the meeting that following the 12th AHMM which endorsed the new Governance and Implementation Mechanism (GIM) for the ASEAN Post-2015 Health Development Agenda (2016 to 2020), the Consolidated TOR for the ASEAN Health Clusters has been developed and endorsed by SOMHD. The Meeting is expected to recommend the document for AHMM endorsement.


8.2 Principles and mechanisms for the ASEAN Health Sector Engagement with Entities [ASEAN Secretariat]


  • The ASEAN Secretariat will brief the meeting on the draft principles and mechanism of engagement of entities/partners with the ASEAN Health Sector. The Meeting is expected to discuss the document further and recommend for either AHMM endorsement or notation.


[12.30-13.30]  Lunch


8.3 ASEAN Health Cluster Work Programmes [ASEAN Secretariat]


  • 8.3.1 Work Programme for the ASEAN Health Cluster 1, under the current Chair SOMHD Indonesia


  • 8.3.2 Work Programme for the ASEAN Health Cluster 2, under the current Chair SOMHD Malaysia


  • 8.3.3 Work Programme for the ASEAN Health Cluster 3, under the current Chair SOMHD Philippines


  • 8.3.4 Work Programme for the ASEAN Health Cluster 4, under the current Chair SOMHD Thailand


  • The ASEAN Secretariat will brief the Meeting regarding the progress of the Health Cluster Work Programmes, and updates of salient activities of the Health Priorities. Respective Chairs of the ASEAN Health Clusters may provide additional updates – if any.


  • The Meeting is expected to recommend the respective Work Programmes for 2016-2020 for AHMM endorsement.


8.4 Other endorsement/support to specific initiatives


  • The Meeting may wish to consider supporting or noting other specific initiatives under the ASEAN Health Cooperation.


  • Concerns or issues highlighted and their corresponding interventions may be recommended for elevation to the AHMM either for notation or endorsement.


Agenda Item 9: Preparation for the 13th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting (AHMM), 6 September 2017


9.1 Consideration of Provisional Agenda of the 13th AHMM​

  • The Meeting will discuss the provisional agenda and other relevant concerns related to the theme, retreat, roundtable topic, and side events.


  • The Meeting will also make the necessary revisions to the draft agenda, if any.


9.2 Consideration of Draft Joint Statement of the 13th AHMM


  • The Meeting will review the draft Joint Statement that has been circulated for feedback and agree on the final version to be submitted to the AHMM for endorsement.


Agenda Item 10: Consideration of the Provisional Agenda of the PrepSOM-7th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting, 4 September 2017


  • The Meeting will finalise the provisional agenda and relevant matters that will be discussed with the PrepSOM Plus Three countries.  The Meeting will also make necessary revisions to the draft agenda, if any.


Agenda Item 11: Preparation for the 7th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting (APTHMM)


11.1 Consideration of Provisional Agenda of the 7th APTHMM


  • The Meeting will discuss the provisional agenda, the roundtable discussion and its topic, and areas of collaboration for 2017 to 2018 for the 7th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting. The Meeting will also make revision to the draft agenda, if any.


11.2 Consideration of Draft Joint Statement of the 7th APTHMM


  • The Meeting will review the draft Joint Statement that has been circulated for feedback and agree on the final version to be presented to the Prep SOM for 7th APTHMM for further feedback or finalization, and for the 7th APTHMM for endorsement.


[15.45-16.00]  Coffee Break


Agenda Item 12: Consideration of the Provisional Agenda of the PrepSOM-6th ASEAN-China Health Ministers Meeting, 4 September 2017


  • The Meeting will finalise the provisional agenda and relevant matters that will be discussed with the PrepSOM for China. The Meeting will also make necessary revision to the draft agenda, if any


Agenda Item 13: Preparation for the 6th ASEAN-China Health Ministers Meeting (ACHMM)


13.1 Consideration of Provisional Agenda of the 6th ACHMM


  • The Meeting will discuss the provisional agenda, the roundtable discussion and its topic, and areas of collaboration for 2017 to 2018 for the 6th ASEAN China Health Ministers Meeting. The Meeting will also make revision to the draft agenda, if any.


13.2 Consideration of Draft Joint Statement of the 6th ACHMM


  • The Meeting will review the draft Joint Statement that has been circulated for feedback and agree on the final version to be presented to the PrepSOM for 6th ACHMM for further feedback or finalisation, and for 6th ACHMM for endorsement.


Agenda Item 14: Other Matters


  • The Meeting will discuss other matters, if any.


Agenda Item 15:  Date and Venue of the 14th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting and related Meetings, 2019


  • The Meeting will discuss the date and venue of the 14th AHMM and related meetings in 2019. Based on alphabetical order, Cambodia will host the 14th AHMM and related meetings.


Agenda Item 16: Consideration and Adoption of the Report of Preparatory Senior Officials for the 13th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting


  • Brunei Darussalam, with the assistance of the ASEAN Secretariat, will provide a draft report of the PrepSOM-13th AHMM at the end of the Meeting. The draft document will be reviewed and finalized at a separate session in the evening of 3 September 2017.  Member States may wish to designate representatives to discuss and finalize the report.  The final report will be presented to the AHMM for adoption.


Agenda Item 17: Closing


  • The Chair will deliver the closing statement prior to the conclusion of the Meeting. A general expression of thanks and appreciation to the host country may be also be given.




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